
CirculosopherWelcome to my blog "The Circulosopher". As Circulosopher I think, write and speak about the company of the future.

The company of the future will be a totally different company than the companies we know today. Altough, they still will make profit, their primary goal will be to contribute to society. Therefore they will have to become sustainable and circular. Since circularity and sustainability are rather vague terms and we don't know how companies can 'become' sustainable and circular, a lot of thinking and constructing has to be done. This is the field that I call Circulosophy.

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Groen is 100% business

Groen is 100% businessGroen is 100% business - Op het moment ben ik beschikbaar voor opdrachten. Daarom voer ik regelmatig gesprekken, bezoek ik netwerk-events en ga ik naar conferenties. Dat zijn goede plekken om mensen te ontmoeten, kennis te delen en contacten op te doen. Waar ik tegenaan loop is dat ik in het hokje 'groen' en 'is niet business' wordt geplaatst. Dat is gek, toch?


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